Hi We configured custom properties on the artefact type "Test step". The fields are properly...
Hi, i'm trying to create a custom export for our testcases in spiratest 4.0. However, when trying ...
Hi all,
We regularly have to print out our test cases into a word document. We usually hav...
4 posts
November 17, 2016
I would like to generate a report that would allow me to view the following details for a Test Set...
I work in a project which has requirements traced directly to test steps and I would like the abili...
We have been using SpiraTest for some time now, to the point where we have almost ...
How to change the height of textarea at test steps editing form? ...
Hi, Here I am trying to fetch test test steps associated with a test case and then print them a...
Hi, I am using Spira Import Template and Excel add in to update existing test suite in my pro...
Usability Suggestion: While in a single test case, it would be useful to replicate the command ...
Hi I was wondering if you could modify the Test Case list view so that there was a column called ...
Hi, during last two week it started to happen that we are unable to reorder test steps in test ...